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Research Critique 3

Field Expierience- Odanani

Sex trafficking as defined by the CDC is the use of force, fraud, or coercion into commercial sexual acts. It is a type of human trafficking which is thought to be the 3rd largest criminal activity. There are many challenges related to sex trafficking with an increase in STIs (sexually transmitted infections), with HIV infections being the highest. This causes a negative impact on the communities and individuals involved. Sexual trafficking is preventable by providing people with the knowledge of the shared risk factors. The individuals that are targeted are poor vulnerable women with or without children looking for a better life. After watching a documentary called Half the Sky I was familiar with the prevalence of sex trafficking, child labor, sexual violence, and much more globally. According to Sheryl WuDunn, the problems linked to sex trafficking and forced prostitution, gender-based violence, and maternal mortality is occurring every 90 seconds to one woman or girl. The stories of the women who have overcome the adversity associated with these crimes provide hope.

To hear about a man who is the creator of an organization to help women who have been victims of trafficking is positive changes that are being made and the message is being received. Founder Kizhakeparambil Varghese Stanly and Mynkanalli Lingegowda Parashuram started their nonprofit organization, Odanadi almost thirty years ago after a stroll with a street worker. Her name was Radhamma, and her story, according to Mr. Stanly, about the physical and mental effects of being a prostitute help to clarify what he needed to be doing with his life. The center is a rehabilitation center for victims of human trafficking. Started in Mysore, India to help combat trafficking, gender-based violence as well as child exploitation to help these victims reintegrate into society.  Mr. Stanly brought to our attention the prevalent issues concerning trafficking that deals with the legal and social justice. Without ever compromising his integrity and standing firm in his beliefs Mr. Stanly has helped hundreds of women and children.

 Odanadi which means soulmate provided our group with awareness on how the women who have been trafficked are finding alternatives to their previous conditions. As we toured the facility and could see areas were the women are provided classes to help them to be able to sustain on there own.  One thing that caught my attention was a shirt on the wall that said yoga stops trafficking (YST). We have been participating in yoga every morning six days a week. I myself have seen the signs in yoga to provide a great sense of mindfulness an aid in total wellness. With rehabilitation as one of the key elements to success for these women and children. According to Mr. Stanly, the name Odanadi starts a healing process when taken to countries around the world (YST, 2016).

Stanly along with Parashuram started the organization to help women, with the reminder that no human is for sale. At the age of 21, Mr. Stanly wanted to fight against the odds. Dealing with life threats and cases that were brought against him for trying to bring traffickers to justice. Stanly stated that he knows that he has achieved something when he has put a smile on someone’s face. Primarily that there is life after violence. The art room was one of my favorite parts of the tour. All over the walls were paintings by different artist expressing their hurt, anger, hopes, dreams. It was beautiful to see another tool that is provided to the residents as an outlet to heal, along with counseling, and educational programs.

Considered a form of modern-day slavery and a serious public health problem. I assumed that sex traffickers rarely receive medical attention so I questioned Mr. Stanly on the number of residents that are infected with HIV. Alarmingly the number was lower than expected. Where according to him from the residents in the facility now there is 1 or 2 that are infected. I expressed my amazement, and he informed us that because the women are a commodity the traffickers must take care of their assets so they would get them medical care. Taking into consideration the facility these women are in, I believe it’s not the case in all situations. 

Additionally, through a task force at the FBI, an act was implemented in 2000 to protect international victims of trafficking called the trafficking victims protection act. As stated by the FBI this is the first comprehensive federal law to address human trafficking.  As I was provided this information through my participation as a guest of Odanandi, I can now pass it to you, my readers. As a reminder, this is the 3rd largest form of criminal activity in the world. Mr. Stanly said a way to spread the word is a way to help.


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